Why Choose a Career in Construction?
When someone says construction, the image that likely jumps into your head is wrong. Most people think of the Three D’s: Dirty. Dangerous. Dead End. All wrong. People think of careers like laborer or assembly line worker. Also wrong.
Today’s construction environments are safe, clean workspaces where skilled trades people build state of the art buildings and products. It is not brute force labor—we use lasers, robots and technology; machines do the heavy lifting. There are opportunities for rapid advancement and many employers pay for all of the training.
Construction offers rewarding skilled trades careers for men and women, young to old, all colors shapes and sizes. Fill out the form above to have someone contact you and talk about starting your new career today.
Every year, employees in all industries are surveyed and asked to rate their happiness with work. For 10 straight years, employees in the skilled trades ranked #1 over all others. People in construction and manufacturing are happier than health care, food service, public service, and government workers. This is because at the end of every day, skilled trades people can look around and say, “I built that.”
It is estimated that 40% of the current construction and manufacturing workforce will retire in the next 5-10 years. People entering the skilled trades today will have opportunities to rapidly advance into foreman, superintendent, supervisor, and manager roles.
Job Security & Benefits
People in the skilled trades won’t be replaced by machines. They build the machines, program and run the machines, build the factories where the machines are, and maintain the electrical, heating and air conditioning systems required. Skilled trades people earn great wages with excellent benefits, and with these desirable careers come choices—you can pick where, who, and when you want to work.